Feeling called to level up in life or business?
If so, I am here to walk with you!

Whether you are a business owner, artist, teacher, healer, or just a human being looking to level up in life, I am here to serve. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but do have a handy a set of tools that have done a great job for me that I am willing to share! My hope is that this message finds those it is truly meant to serve, and that I can do that with clear eyes and an open heart.

If you don’t see quite the service you’re looking for, drop me a line and let’s see if providing it is a good fit for the both of us. :)

  • My Journey

    My Journey

    Hey there! Thanks for being here. I wanted to share a bit about my background and who I am. I hail from small town Ohio, then played collegiate soccer at the University of Indianapolis. I studied public relations while launching a media business, then started a music company with a never before done business model…

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